for teachers and parents

The Teacher and Parent Training Toolkit is an innovative digital tool available in the form of asynchronous and multimedia training on emotional intelligence, characterized by videos and exercises for teachers and parents available through an engaging online platform. The main objective of the platform is to provide parents and teachers with the cultural and pedagogical tools to develop emotional intelligence in their children or pupils between the ages of 6 and 15. The platform has two sections dedicated one to teachers/pedagogists/psychologists and one to parents. In addition, each section is characterized by different areas structured by interactive units that can be surfed in complete freedom by the user. The units are enriched with study materials, videos, and much more to support training on emotional intelligence.
The platform will de divided into two parts/sections
For teachers
Areas of study:
• What science says about emotional intelligence;
• What emotional intelligence is made up of, its characteristics;
• Relationship as a key to successfully engage students in the learning process;
• Difficult emotions: what they are, how to manage and orient them;
• What science says about the benefits of EQ development and the effects on teaching;
• How to use this knowledge practically with individual students and in class.
For parents
• Discovering the child’s emotions;
• How to stimulate the child’s EI in the family;
• Relationship as a key to successful education;
• Difficult emotions: what they are, how to manage and orient them in the family;
• Emotional training in the family.