for teachers and parents
The training toolkit „Emotional Intelligence: What Teachers and Parents Can Do -training and professional development” for teachers and parents will be available in the form of asynchronous on-line training on EQ, in multimedia form (incl. videos, exercises, practical tasks, podcasts, live short webinars for teachers and parents on the topic (recorded) OER, etc.) available via on-line platform.
The platform will de divided into two parts/sections
For teachers/ pedagogists/ psychologists
Exemplary content:
- What is EQ?
- The importance of EQ in human life
- The role of teachers in the development of EQ in children
- Emotionally intelligent teacher
- Identify, name and express emotions
- The power of emotions as energy to act
- How to help your child deal with difficult emotions?
- How to work individually with a child for EQ development?
- How to work with an IE development group?
For parents
Exemplary content:
- How to talk to a child about emotions?
- How to react to a child’s strong emotions?
- How to teach a child to recognize, name and express emotions?
- Home exercises to develop empathy
- How to teach a child to recognize other people’s emotions?
The trainings will be free of charge, easily accessible and available for the public.